How To Avoid Social Media?

by - January 06, 2019

Social media addiction

This is the Era of technology where almost everything is based on the technology , the more we are progressing the more is the demand of  upgrading things to a modern and time saving technology is increasing. One of the top grossing technologies is the Internet. And one of the major contribution of the internet is Social Media. The use of Social Media has excessively increased in the past few years and the most used social platforms are Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat.

The excessive use of these social medias could a
depression and anxiety
dversely affect the mental and physical health of a person.The technology that was meant for our benefit is affecting us in so many negative ways.
Especially if you are a student and you're so much addicted to social media, then definitely you'll be ending up harming yourself mentally and it may result in poor mental health, anxiety and depression.

If you are still wondering whether you are addicted to it or not then you may ask yourself , can you spend a day without checking your news feed, DMs, what the celeb posted and so on? Well if the answer is NO , then you may count yourself as one of those social media addicts. And let me tell you if you're wondering if this  is super bad ,then calm down this is no big deal unless, you're facing some major consequences ,otherwise almost all of us are some or the other way addicted to our social media.

Now finally! lets see what are the ways by which we can try avoiding Social media.


If you don't want to totally cut off yourself from the social media then try this step-

1. Minimizing The Time You Spend on screen:

Optimizing the time we spend on social media is very important and you can do it by setting a definite time duration of your use and interaction with it . Now apps like instagram have the usage tracking tool by which you can analyze your usage of the app or you can track your activity by simply checking your App usage from you Device's Setting for iOS and Android. This will help you analyze the usage of your Social media and then you can easily reduce the usage time. 45 min of social media usage per day is more than enough to catch up with all the latest trend and current affairs. Limiting your time around this duration and keeping it as minimal as possible will definitely help you.

2. Suppressing the Urge:

It all starts with the urge of checking for any new post or any new comment and no. of likes you got on your new post, what your favourite Youtuber or a celeb has posted. This feeling of "not missing out anything new" is one of the major causes of the addiction which provokes us to keep checking our smartphones . Even if there's nothing new to check we just keep scrolling and stuff just because we are bored , which makes us sticking to the phone most of the time.

Now to suppress this urge , the first and foremost step is to TURN OFF your Notifications of your application so that you stop receiving them and get buzzed about any new notification. This will reduce the urge and stop you from checking your social media to a great extent. And divert your mind elsewhere. This step also depends on a person's patience and self control level. A person with high patience level is most likely to easily ignore the urge but those who face difficulty should try to engage themselves in something else which keeps you busy and doesn't pokes you to check your social media.

3. Engagement In Other Activities:

Once you've done the step 2 then make yourself occupied with some work or activity.
You can engage yourself i practicing your hobbies and believe me that really works. Set a small goal for the accomplishment of a task related to hobby or any certain work,etc. and try to complete it on time.Or you can also try learning something new! Like my hobby is sketching , I try to stay focused  on the goal I set and try to complete it on time. For example, I set my goals like - 2 sketches per week , practicing painting and so on, and these goals keep me busy and make me forget about my social media and I don't open it for days. 

And apart from all these spend time with your family and friends.


4. The Ultimate Detox:

If you want you can completely deactivate and take a break from all of the social media platforms and relax. Cutting down yourself from the online world reduce your stress to a great extent. Some people may not know but they may be having stress about how you don't fit in the "perfect shape" picture and they keep comparing themselves to those Instagram models, Youtubers, Celebrities  with perfect body and with all those dozens of filters , showcasing their best side, and we see only the side that they want to show that is the best side of them. People are forgetting about self love and how to embrace themselves, trying to fit-in in someone else's shoe which is not even meant for them.

Detoxing is the best way to take a break and staying away from all these buzz and figuring out and knowing yourself better.

I hope this article was helpful to you, you can also comment down below to give me a feedback and that will be really appreciating and grateful for me.

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