Focus On Inner Rather Than Outer Success
Who doesn't love success?All these celebrities, politicians,Forbes personalities and winning sports person symbolize success to most of the people.Yet these icons themselves have confessed that they feel something is missing from their lives. having everything and yet experiencing a void is scary.
why is this so? Of course because we are perhaps not aware that success does not mean only a hefty bank account or millions of followers on social media,but something more.
Success can be called true success only when it brings happiness that is lasting,happiness which brightens us from within which brings inner piece. A better understanding of life and a clear calm head are the prerequisite for being successful.success is primarily dependent on inner victories. here inner victories that I'm talking about is winning over ourselves ,bringing inner piece , having a disciplined mind. We should be aware of out inner potential of doing good to others and good things ,these good deeds not only brings calmness and a sense of happiness in ourselves but it starts emitting the good vies from us and the people around us will feel the positive vibes. You'll be one attractive , charming personality, that everyone would like to be with.
You can try meditating to connect with your inner self spiritually.focus your attention inward,there will be a new surge of power and strength which will rejuvenate your mind body and soul.But you need to practice meditation regularly and patiently don't seek for the results just in one attempt or two. for instance if the muddy water is left to stand still for sometime the water becomes crystal clear, similarly,in meditation the mud of your restless thoughts starts settling gradually,the power of your divinity starts reflecting in the clear water of your consciousness.
Be Patient and don't run behind success that is not a real success which doesn't bring peace in your life.
May You Grow,May you Heal.
May God bring happiness in your life.
~to whoever is reading :)
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